Self-directed Coaching to create your best life.


ADHD and Executive Function Education and Support

Executive function ADHD and Long Covid Symptoms- Coaching for adults with cognitive functioning problems and daily living.

A Partnership For Change is dedicated to whole-person coaching. Inspiring children, parents, teens, and college students to gain the momentum they need while reaching self-directed goals in relationships, health, academics, careers, parenting, and entrepreneurship. You’ll find solutions to many of the problems of daily living, gain skills, fulfill your highest purpose, reach your goals, and feel empowered, accomplished, and happy.

Focusing on your dreams and passions

Coaching through a Gap Year

  • Teens and College Students| Time management, Executive Function skills, Mindfulness training, study strategies, organization/planning

  • College readiness preparation and Finacial Budgeting

  • Students with ADHD or ASD | Social skills goals

  • Health & Wellness- Mindfulness training packages available.

Is a GAP year appropriate for you after high school? There are many reasons why a year can make a difference in your college academic success! Planning and exploring your GAP year vision.

Coaching for Adults and Non-traditional Students

  • First-Generation Students, Students with Adult ADHD

  • On line learning

  • Adults going back to school, gaps in education, or career transitions

  • Health & Wellness- Mindfulness training packages available

  • Entrepreneurship

  • ADHD in Relationships

Coaching Parents|Child

  • Parents with Children ages 8-12

  • Children with learning differences

  • Parenting complex kids

  • Online | Hybrid learning | In-class learning

  • IEP consulting

Coaching Careers|Entreprenural

  • College Students

  • Teens

  • Adults - Career change

Life Balance Mindfulness & Awareness

Explore your strengths, learn ADHD strategies, and how your brain works. You’ll notice the change!

Start coaching for yourself, your child, or your student. The return on your investment and effort will be worth the commitment. You are worth it!